This is from The Barbara Schwarz Resource Page Barbara Schwarz , née Bretschneider , is a German expatriate now living in Salt Lake City , Utah . She was the president of the German branch of the Church of Scientology from August 3 , 1983 until July 10 , 1984 . [1] Schwarz is no longer active in the Church of Scientology (she states that she was "kicked out" in 1984 [2] ), but she still considers herself a Scientologist, if no longer officially a member of the Church, and despite having filed frivolous lawsuits against the church. Schwarz is principally known as the current holder of the record for most requests filed by a single individual under the Freedom of Information Act . According to the Salt Lake Tribune , Schwarz has submitted thousands of FOIA requests to the United States Government and its various federal agencies. There are extensive records at each agency documenting these requests, which list thousands of hours and thousands of dollars spent processing...